

Alzamiyatul Qadriya's death in Nisabe Talim Vazah, the point is to create such mischief, which can make the claimant Nizam of Islam normal and not to leave Hamgir pagam of Islam only to the Muslims, this is the reason that here, At the heart of all the Deen, Surely, "Being Tamil, as well as with absolute hardships, as is the case with Mandarja Zail Tafseel.

Among them, there are such folks who are fond of all kinds, such as Arabic, English, Adb, Insha and Baaz are those whose books have one or two books, such as Oroj, Farayz and Phalasafa Baaz are those whose kasiro Wafir Kitayab is a blasphemer like Tafseer, hadith, Fic, Usual Fick etc. This observations can be estimated from the fact that in addition to generating the help of Ulum Dinya, there is a concurrence of Akhi Uloom from Agali.

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